Mobile Design

According to Pew (2017), 95% of Americans own a cellphone and 77% own smartphones.
Chaffey's data indicate that users browse information on mobile but use desktop to refine and dive deeper. He advocates designing for both mobile and desktop to support this "Multichannel Majority" (2017).

Context: Car-Buying App

Integrated user context in a car-buying app

  • APPROACH: Conducted an exploratory survey and an online open card sort to inform the information architecture
  • DELIVERABLES: Proposal including Sitemap, Wireframes, Personas, and User Stories
  • TOOLS: Axure, ConceptCodify, Google, InDesign, Photoshop
I proposed a context-aware design for an app where users can customize a collection of cars. The user creates a database of vehicle images that are ranked by percent match to named preferences. It uses context again to display no-haggle pricing at local dealerships.
stick figure icon holding a lightbulb
Ask me about Integrating TRUECar.

Native App: City of Chicago

Adapted website for iOS/Android native app

  • APPROACH: Emphasized consistent UI patterns, text menus, and minimizing steps for the user
  • DELIVERABLES: Annotated wireframes for iOS and Android
  • TOOLS: InDesign, MockPlus, Photoshop
Our professor asked us to reimagine the City of Chicago website as a native app. I iterated two task paths in both Android and iOS. I focused on creating a consistent user experience between the two platforms.
stick figure icon holding a lightbulb
Ask me about MockPlus.

Static Web to Mobile: Insignis

Designed responsive mobile views for a static commercial website

  • APPROACH: Reduced user's cognitive load by distilling information and emphasizing hierarchical navigation
  • DELIVERABLES: Grid Overlay, Annotated Sketches
  • TOOLS: Pencil/Paper Sketches, Photoshop
As a financial data aggregator, Insignis' site is dense with specialized information. First, I focused on making the information easy for a mobile user to browse. The sketches can adapt to responsive design.
stick figure icon holding a lightbulb
Ask me about the sketches.


Chaffey, D. (2017, March 1). Statistics on consumer mobile usage and adoption to inform your mobile marketing strategy mobile site design and app development. Smart Insights, Mobile Marketing Statistics compilation. Retrieved from
Pew Research Center (2017, January 12). Mobile Fact Sheet. PewResearchCenter, Internet, Science & Tech. Retrieved from